As experts, we provide support throughout the entire process of implementation and foundation.

We transfer your idea into figures and work out a business plan together. The business plan is the starting point for all further decisions in terms of

  • Legal structure
  • Finance
  • and much more

Legal structure

Choosing the right legal form is fundamental. You set the course for tomorrow today. The legal form determines your appearance in legal relations, the social insurance conditions, liability issues and the conditions for a shareholding or business handover.

Last but not least, the legal form is also part of the first impression you make on potential business partners. It makes a big difference whether you operate as a sole trader or a limited liability company. You should also consider this when making your decision. Of course, the legal form can still be changed at a later point by means of a re-foundation, but this is associated with costs.

The choice of the right legal form is a very individual one. Many aspects have to be considered and weighed up.

WE support this decision-making process. We will be happy to put you in touch with a notary or lawyer who can support you with more complex contractual issues.


Good ideas bring money, but they also cost some. Especially in the start-up phase entrepreneurs are confronted with the question of financing. If no alternative forms of financing are possible, going to the bank is the rule. Before doing so, you should definitely find out about subsidies from public agencies. These vary from federal state to federal state. There are also subsidies at federal and EU level. The funding landscape is constantly changing; we are always up to date for you here.

As a general rule, all funding must first be approved before the implementation can start.

The business plan is the basis for making the right financing decisions and is essential in discussions with banks.

We work with you to develop the right and necessary financing structure and support you with our experience in discussions with banks or investors.

Formalities at the start

In addition to the idea, the business plan and the right legal form, a few formalities need to be taken care of. We will gladly take care of these for you as a service. Our service includes:

  • Application for a tax number and announcement of the start of a business
  • Notifications to the social insurance
  • Notifications to the trade licensing authority if necessary
  • Information regarding FinanzOnline and the Entrepreneur Service Portal

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You benefit from our many years of diverse experience and industry-specific expertise.


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